Wednesday, January 09, 2008

IT'S A LONG WAY TO KHARTOUM - especially via United Airlines, Lufthansa, Egypt Air, and Kenya Airways

Finally in Khartoum after many missed flight connections due to freaky winter monsoon and tornado weather that hit the Midwest just 24 hours after a major snow storm dropped 20 inches of snow on Indiana and Illinois. My luggage did not fair so well however and is still missing in action despite the arrival of several flights that should have or could have brought a new change of clothes. I am still wearing a sweater and jeans - not ideal clothing for a stroll in Sudan.

First impressions: Khartoum looks similar to Ndjamena- the capital of Chad (located just to the west of Sudan). There is a lot of sand on the sides of the roads, people dressed across the spectrum from conservative with full head dress and white or blue tunics (for men) to people in more western dress with blue jeans, bare shoulders, skirts, and high heels. Hard to say that I have any real feel for the city in only 8 hours, but first impressions are always a nice reference for future discussions.

I hope that my next entry will include praise for the ability of my airline to retrieve luggage. I would like to explore more of the city on foot and definitely do not want to have that experience in a warm sweater. The high yesterday was 78 degrees but it will gradually get hotter over the next two months.

This picture was taken from my hotel room. Gives you limited idea of the lay of the city.


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